Operational strategy

  • Project governance
  • Business process
  • Legal set-up

The operational organization of a project is its backbone;
The smooth running of an operation depends on its relevance.

Each project takes place in a specific administrative (ZAC, OIN, PLUi, etc.) and political context, which is often complex from a legal point of view and involves many stakeholders.

The roles of the latter must be clarified to set up the appropriate organization, negotiate the necessary agreements, and limit the risks to bring the project to maturity.

In particular, the governance of the project, whether through an existing or new specific company, should be implemented according to the client’s constraints (statutes, taxation, governance, partnerships, etc.).

Negotiations, often complex, often lengthy are crucial to lay solid foundations of the project.

An anticipatory vision of the project’s challenges and a proven ability to listen and dialogue: OSKAPROD’s DNA.

Other missions

#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve