East Side Story

Fondation des Etats-Unis, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris

Client Fondation des Etats-Unis
Program Renovation of the East Wing of the Maison des Etats-Unis
Schedule 2017 – 2019
Surface area GFA : 2300 sqm
Budget €3m
Challenge : inaugurated in 1930, the Fondation des Etats-Unis accommodates nearly 270 residents in an Art Deco building. The rooms in the East and Central wings, direct witnesses of the original spirit of the place, were not suited to current uses and needs. The challenge of the renovation was to modernize the residence, allowing it to meet contemporary standards of quality while preserving its specificity and charm.

Our mission :

  • Assistant to the Fondation
  • Architecture competition
  • Study and construction site monitoring, until delivery, overseeing the renovation of a building of architectural importance
  • Extensive internal communication was implemented to inform the students still occupying the other wings of the building during the works

Project : the project involves a comprehensive renovation of the East Wing, from the lower ground floor housing the foyer, communal spaces, a large, shared kitchen, etc., up to the terrace on the 5th floor. Thus, 70 rooms with bathrooms were created, along with 5 kitchens and 5 bathrooms. The central wing will also benefit from this renovation with the creation of studios for researcher couples.

This renovation is an opportunity for the Fondation des Etats-Unis to adopt more environmentally friendly behaviors and reduce its ecological footprint.

Client's feedback

Thank you for your creativity, organization, resilience, leadership, patience, persistence, for being the knowledgeable ones, for keeping the big picture in mind, for bouncing back, for finding solutions, for accompanying us.
Director of the United States Foundation
Let's celebrate chaos and its resolution. "Two dangers constantly threaten the world, order and disorder." Like Paul Valéry, Oskaprod embodies balance.
Director of the United States Foundation
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#reinvent #reengage #create #adapt #anticipate #identify #customize #listen #check #talk #hold #achieve
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